
martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

INTO THE DEEP - Samantha Young

While we are waiting for Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4), we bring you another book of Samantha Young: Into the Deep. 

Live young. Live hard. Love deep.

into the deep

The main characters in this book are Charlie and Jake. The story is told in Charlie's POV, and starts when she and her best friend, Claudia, are studying abroad, spending the semester in Edinburgh. This is where she meets with Jacob Caplin again (he was her highschool boyfriend).

We know that they used to date and they were deeply in love but then something happened and they broke up, breaking Charlie´s heart in the process. Until the end of the book we don´t know exactly what happened because Samantha tells us this story simultaneously in two times, one chapter in the past, telling us how they met back in Indiana; and another in the present, where we see their reunion in Edinburgh.

They met again at a party Charlie and Claudia were invited to by another American guy, Beck, who turns out to be Jake´s best friend.  

“Everyone disappeared around me as we locked eyes for the first time in years. The music dulled to a throb, the conversation to a muffled buzz, and all I could hear was my heartbeat.”

Charlie has a hard time when she sees Jake, she remembers all the pain from the past and how hard it was for her to move. Whatever happened between them changed her, she never was the same again. Maybe it is because we only have her side of the story, but it was harder to get Jake. The first we learn about him is how much he means to Charlie, because even after all this time she never really could get over him. We also learn that he knew there was a big chance Charlie was in Edinburgh, because she always wanted to go there. The thing is, he didn´t come alone! Yes! He has a girlfriend, and that brings Charlie more distress. Why is he in Edinburgh?? To get Charlie back?? To apologize??? Maybe in the beginning of the book he didn´t even know the answer himself.  

We really like this book, it´s a great story, but you shoud know that it does not finish here... it´s not a stand alone book, there is a sequel: Out of the Shallows , where we will see how Charlie and Jake´s story continues. And we hope there will be more about Claudia and Beck: in this first book they become friends because Beck said he is not a one-woman kind of guy, but there is obviously attraction between them, and we are really looking forward to seeing what is going to happen!

If you like Samantha Young´s book, you definitely have to read this one!!! Shortly we will be posting a review about Into the Deep #2, Out of the Shallows.  

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