
martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Revenge - Season Finale


We start the episode with Conrad going to jail, and David Clark ´s investigation being reopened. At this Emily can finally celebrating her victory. Now only Victoria is left. 
ImageFirst shocking scene! Aiden goes to see Amanda´s therapist to convince her to confess that Victoria was involved in David Clark´s case. He goes and the therapist drugs him and leaves him to Victoria, who takes a cushion and suffocates him!! Yes! Vicky kills Aiden to get back at Emily for killing the French guy. This was definitively an unexpected development, although, personally, I knew that in order to have Emily get closer to Jack, Aiden had to leave. But I never expected him to be killed by Victoria, and certainly not in that fashion. And to make this worse she left his dead body sitting in the sofa in Emily´s living-room.Image
We also have Nolan declare war to Daniel for stealing the MyClone software. He contacts Margaux´s brother, Gideon, who wants to run the company. Finally we see that he takes Daniel for a drink, and the next thing we see is Daniel waking up next to a dead body! 
Emily makes a brilliant move, when she has Victoria committed to a mental institution. With the help of the therapist, she convinces the doctors that Vicky is insane and that she is being delusional trying to prove that Emily is Amanda Clark. Even going as far as to dig Amanda’s grave to prove her point.

Finally, we have the big revelation of the season! Conrad sneaks out of prison dressed like a priest. He is haImageppy singing at loud on the road when a car stops behind him, and who gets out??? DAVID CLARK!! Yes, he is alive!!! He gets out of the car and kills Conrad. 
This was one of the best season finales ever! What is going to happen? I totally understand why David killed Conrad, but he is going to need one big excuse for not having appeared earlier!!! Why would he put his own daughter through hell like that? This shows goes around the revenge of Emily because of what the Graysons did to her father. But now that we know he is alive, was it really necessary to waste your daughter’s life in order to get revenge??? I mean Emily´s anger was fueled by the fact that the Graysons not only frame his father but also killed him. And a lot of people died on this revenge, including our beloved Aiden. Was that necessary? Of course, if he had chosen to stay with Emily this show would have never happened. And this reminds me of what Victoria tells Emily: 

“The truth is that the man you remember as your father and the man I knew were very different”

On the other side, we have Jack being arrested. Charlotte realized that he was the one who kidnapped her and she called the police. Does this means that Charlotte will finally find out the truth??? We will have to wait to next season to see how this goes. 
One final thing: Aiden Mathis we are going to miss you!!!

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