
martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

TVD - Season Finale


Last episode had a shocking ending when the traveler who was inside Tyler´s body kills Stefan. This season finale starts right there with a dead Stefan and a heartbroken Caroline as the other side (this place where vampire, witches and other supernatural creatures go when they died) is disappearing and is taking all the dead and Bonnie with it.

So far they need to save Enzo, Stefan and Bonnie, but as the episode goes, the list starts to grow. Tyler dies, and we meet Alaric and Lexi who join the list. What do we need to bring them back?? An spell and a witch!

First the spell: Silas appears and teaches the spell to Bonnie, but because nobody wants him back the other side sucks him away really soon and problem solved. Now we need the witch, Elena and Caroline find the wizard siblings but they do not want to help them so Caroline, in one of her brightest moments, kills the brother so the witch has no other choice but to help them in order to bring her brother back! (Another one added to the list).

The plan is to kill so many travelers that they overwhelm the Anchor (a.k.a. Bonnie), so they make a party at the Grill, and Jeremy and Matt brake a gas tube. Who is going to detonate the explosion? Damon of course, and Elena, who joins him in the last minute.

BOOM! Damon, Elena and a bunch of travelers die. And Bonnie can now bring them all back. Enzo and Tyler (no longer a hybrid!), then Elena, Stefan and Alaric.

At this point Markos tries to go back but Lexi stops him, finding “peace” right after that. So now we are in the last minutes of the episode, and we find out that Damon can´t come back! There is a really heartbreaking moment when he says goodbye to Elena. 
“You are by far the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth”
Also Bonnie finally tells Jeremy that she is going to die. And at the final moment we see Damon and Bonnie and a white light that is coming.

This is basically what happened in this season finale, in my opinion this series had better but it wasn´t bad! And it is obvious that at least Damon is coming back!! What is this series without him?? Even if you are team Stefan you have to admit that The Vampire Diaries needs Damon! What is left to see is how he is coming back! 

Some final thoughts: I really like that Alaric is back! I think it is good for the show to have someone like him, and Damon needs a friend of his age. Also I like the insinuation that Lexi makes to Stafan about Caroline! I´ll like to see more of Stefan & Caroline next season, it´s refreshing that not everything revolves around Elena.

Finally, I remember something Bonnie´s grandmother tells her
“You are not the only member of this family who knows how to make a sacrifice”
Maybe next season we will find out what she means, and maybe it’s related with how they manage to bring them back. But we will have to wait to October  :(

What do you think of the vampire Diaries season finale?? What do you think is going to happened?? We´d love to hear what you think! 

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